Trials can totally suck in the moment, but I love the power it has to totally transform us into better versions of ourselves.
I really love the woman I’m becoming. I say becoming because the growth is always constant. If I’m at a standstill, I see it as a digression. I always want to be progressing. The core of who I am will always be there, but I love the constant evolving and growing and progression that’s being made because of my trials.
I feel more empowered and stronger than ever before.
I hope that my story can help others feel empowered, too. Like, yes, you might be going through the depths of hell, but you can come out of it stronger, wiser, more compassionate, driven, and loving.
I don’t want to use my trials as an excuse to be less than what I know I’m capable of being. I want to use it as fuel to drive me forward into the best version of myself. And I want to be able to inspire others to do the same, too. Because it’s tangible. It’s more than possible. Tell yourself that there’s NO other option than growth and positive progression and coming out of it a better person than you were before. And fight for it. Don’t let the world make you hard. Don’t let it take away your light, your passion, your compassion, and your good heart. Be better. Do better. And watch how beautiful your life can become and all the beauty that is left to unfold. 😊💛