A Letter To My Son:

· *Originally posted on Instagram* ·

Jul, 16, 2019
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My buddy.

My sidekick.

My bubs.

My bff.

My world.  

We’ve been together since day one. It’s been you and me, sweet one. Like peanut butter and jelly, it’s hard to separate us. Through all stages of your life thus far, I’ve seen it all. Your sweet giggles, your first tooth, your first steps, your first words, and all of the incredible developments you continue to make. You amaze me.

Day and night, we’ve weathered it all. Through all the *many* sleepless nights, sicknesses, grumpy moods, tantrums, extra snuggles when you’re feeling under the weather, kissing your owies and giving you the biggest hugs when you’re hurt, countless doctors appointments, traveling to so many different places, and discovering new things together. I wouldn’t trade any of it, ever.

You’ve been through a lot, my little lion man. Even when you were still growing in my belly, life battered me down. You were there. You helped me through. It was you and me, and sometimes I wish you were still in my belly so I could protect you from all the craziness life throws us. But, I so enjoy having you here with me, exploring life with me, and teaching me how to see life through your eyes. It’s quite a beautiful, angelic sight.

We’ve had the most amazing times together, buddy. Being a stay-at-home momma with you has been the greatest privilege and blessing that I have ever had. Being able to be with you constantly and see all of the incredible things you do and learn to do has been astounding and the greatest honor. I LOVE being your mom, baby boy!! Through all that life has thrown us, you have continued to stay the happiest, silliest, funniest, sweetest little boy I could ever ask for. Everyone you meet thinks so, too!

But sweet boy, our “normal” is about to change. Momma has to start working fulltime. I  didn’t think this day would need to come for us, but it does. But I promise you, it’s for the best.

I won’t be home to feed you your favorite foods during the day, snuggle you for naptime, play at the park, or give you hugs for 8 hours of the day. But, for the hours that I do have with you, I will give you my all. My love will never change and will always be there. This may be a bit of a hard transition for us both, but I promise that this is for the best baby boy. We are going to be better off so, so soon and we will be able to have the stability that we so desperately need. You will be in the greatest care and have so much fun making new friends and playing with them. You love making new friends!! This will be so fun for you. I will always come back and give you the biggest hugs and lots of loves. Remember, “grown ups come back!” I will ALWAYS come back and smother you in kisses!

I’m doing something that’ll be hard in the beginning but will benefit us greatly. This is all for you. You deserve the greatest life possible and I will do everything in my power to provide that for you.

It’s for the best. And we will see that soon, pinky promise! I love you, my angel baby. You are incredible, strong, resilient, capable, wise, and determined. I have no doubt you will find the blessings and the positives from this change.

All my love, Mama

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The other day while walking back to the car from the splash pad, I noticed Leo’s cute little footprints leaving their mark on the concrete. I then noticed my feet right beside his, and got emotional. I had to stop and take a picture because the symbolism was too powerful. • Leo and I have been best buddies since day one. He and I have been like peanut butter and jelly. We’ve been through so much together. We’ve been each other’s constants through all the changes. We have walked beside each other through every transition and hardship. Those who are up to date with where we are at in life right now know that life has been pretty rough for us for a while now (you can go to the link in my bio to read what’s been going on ♥️) • I’ve had the privilege of being stay at home mama for the past 19.5 months. But because of pretty substantial life changes that have happened as of late, I can’t be a stay at home mama anymore. Tomorrow, I start my new path as a full time working mama. • I’ve been grieving the end of this stage in our lives lately. I never intended to NOT be a stay at home mom. I have so many mixed emotions going into this new stage. I’m scared, nervous, excited, anxious, and optimistic. I know this is needed to get us the stability we need. But I’ll be grieving for a bit, and that’s okay. ♥️ • I wrote a letter to Leo on my blog today. I was choked up while writing it. This is HARD, but I know it’ll bless us tremendously. I know other mothers can relate, and even those who aren’t mothers but are going through life changes. You can head over to the link in my bio to read it ♥️ • This has been an amazing journey. I’m honestly devastated to end my title of a stay at home mama, but I’m also feeling SO incredibly blessed to be able to say I’m a working mom who is able to support her son. That’s powerful. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to teach Leo how to fight through the trenches and rise above whatever gets thrown his way. I know that no matter what, he’ll always be my little sidekick as we continue to make more footprints and leave our marks together. 👣

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