World Suicide Prevention Day

· *Originally posted on Instagram* ·

Sep, 11, 2019
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Since I’ve had my fair share of struggles with mental illness, I wanted to take a minute to chat about World Suicide Prevention Day. Things aren’t always as they seem on the outside. And it’s not a topic to talk lightly of.

I deal with depression, anxiety, and OCD. I’ve come a long way in regards to my mental health. It’s been a battle of 7 years now, and it’s a battle no one on the outside could see. Physically, there was no real evidence of battle to be found. I’ve always been a positive, happy person despite life’s trials. If you took a look inside, though… there was a hurt that was almost too much to bear.

Through using my resources and heaven sent angels on earth, I’ve received the help I needed. Others think the only way out is ending their lives, and it shatters my heart, as it does all of ours. Mental health is such a complex topic and is so individual to each person. But I want to remind us all to Reach out to your happy friends. Reach out to your friends who you know have a lot going on. Reach out to those who look like they have it all figured out and put together. I’m telling you right now, no one has it all figured out. Even the most successful people are still figuring things out.

And lastly, to the person who has the weight to bear of the monster that mental illness can be… I believe in you. You are strong. You are capable. And you are so much stronger than your illness. You are loved. You are never, ever a burden. And there’s help for you and so. much. happiness ahead.

With mental health becoming more of a discussion, let’s stand together and fight this. No one needs to do this alone. We all have struggles and it should never be taboo to talk about the hard stuff. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, so why only talk about that part when it’s only half of what we actually experience? Break the silence. Be kind. Be open. And lastly, never just assume things are going well because of a picture. There’s always more than meets the eye. Be mindful. 💛


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