Have you ever been scared to chase your dreams & goals because you were afraid of failing? What about it being because you were afraid of success and all that comes with being successful? It was life changing and incredibly impactful when I realized a huge fear of mine:
I’m fearful of success.
Yep. It’s because I know I’m capable of substantial success. I know if I really truly chase what sets my soul on fire, I’ll get it. And that has TERRIFIED me. I’ve had thoughts of, “who am I to be THAT person? Who am I to have wild success and change the world and leave a mark and make an impact?” Too often we get stuck in the toxic thoughts of “who am I to be ___?” that we fail to realize:
1. Who are we NOT to be?
2. Our playing small doesn’t do anything but starve the world of what we individually and personally have to offer.
We. Need. YOU. Your voice, your thoughts, your feelings, your passions, your everything! It has all been given to you for a reason and that reason isn’t to be taken lightly. We are ALL extraordinary and have an incredible capacity to do great things and make a positive impact in this world.
Over a year ago I felt pulled to start moving in a certain direction in regards to my future and the woman God needs me to be. It was exciting to think about, but also incredibly overwhelming and made my stomach turn. So I tried to kind of put it off as long as I could with the excuse of, “life is really messy and hard right now, so I’ll wait until it’s not.”
Life will always be messy.
If we wait until we’re 100% ready and in perfect life circumstances, we’ll be waiting forever. So I did a brave thing. I’ve finally made an actual, deliberate step towards the direction I know God has called me to go towards. I’m excited. I’m a little nervous. But honestly, I’m WAY pumped 🎉😄🙌
Baby steps. One foot after the other. Sometimes we’ll retract our steps, and that’s okay. Just keep going. You will get to where you want and need to be. Be patient with yourself. Believe in yourself.
Go do something brave that gets you closer to your dreams. Take a small step. I believe in you!!! 💛