Our future is bright ✨
6 months ago I knew I needed to take a huge step forward and move to Utah, just my son and I. I was terrified.
5 months ago we packed my car as full as we could and drove from Oregon to Utah to start over with a little less than $200 in the bank. Becoming a single mom, especially when it’s not what you wanted, is brutal. We lived off of child support and state financial assistance including WIC, food stamps, and I applied for all the low income housing units while I job searched.
4 months ago a job opportunity presented itself out of what seemed like no where. I accepted a position as a Sales Development Representative at Ovation. Having had no sales experience prior to that, I was determined to not only succeed, but absolutely excel.
2 weeks ago I felt prompted to let my VP of sales know I wanted to eventually be an Account Executive within the company. I figured if I wanted to progress and go down the path I knew I was capable of, I needed to communicate and ask. So I did.
A day later, I accepted the offer of the position of Account Executive for Ovation. But not just any AE – the first female Account Executive in the company. 😭
Worthwhile things in life don’t come without hard work. I fought hard. I knew what I was capable of. I didn’t let anyone try to persuade me otherwise. I understood my worth. & I’m willing to take on challenges. It’s paid off immensely.
I’m so grateful to be working within a company that is SO supportive & willing to let us progress in ways we want. I’m ready for this new chapter & to conquer it, just like every chapter that has come and gone.
Am I totally qualified for the job? I don’t feel like I am. But am I willing to put in the work to be qualified? Absolutely. Am I nervous? YUP
Why do I share this? Because if you’re not chasing after things you feel you’re not entirely qualified to do, you’re chasing after the wrong things. Challenge yourself. Go after the things that scare you. If your growth is not supported by the people around you, you’re with the wrong people. Go where your growth is celebrated and encouraged. You CAN do the hard thing. You’re more than capable. Go get it 🌱💛