For awhile now I’ve been allowing others to let me feel “less than.”
Less than enough.
Less than worthy.
Less than beautiful.
Less than capable.
Less than strong.
Why? Because for the longest time I determined my worth on what others thought of me, or how others treated me. I’ve done this throughout my entire existence. But, I do have to say, I’ve come so far. Especially these last few months. I’ve learned SO much about myself and have grown leaps & bounds. I still have my weak moments. We all do! But I want you to know, truly know, this simple truth:
What others think of us, how others treat us, DOES NOT, & WILL NOT EVER, determine our worth.
We are ALL worthy of love.
We are worthy enough.
And it is not until we deem someone “worthy” that we should start loving them. We love them when they feel “less than.” We don’t question whether or not they’re worthy of our love, we just love. As God loves us. We love & we give & recognize that no matter how much we love and give, some won’t accept what love you have to offer and what you have to give. That does not mean your love isn’t worth having or that you aren’t enough.
YOU are PLENTY enough!!
I am PLENTY enough.
You always will be.
I always will be.
Through our highs and lows, our happy days and dark days. God loves us through ALL our moments, through ALL our phases, through ALL our shortcomings. Does that mean we let them become us and shrug our shoulders and say, “That’s just the way I am”? No. We continue to progress, we continue to challenge ourselves, we continue to learn and grow and say, “I’ll do better next time” when we mess up. We learn from our mistakes and we keep going, because we matter.
Learning to love yourself can be such a daunting task & it’s so much easier to just rely on outside sources. But what happens when that source disappears? You are the only person who can determine your happiness. It starts within. The journey to self love is crucial. It’s freeing and liberating and the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
We are WORTH IT.
I’m constantly learning how to be gentle with myself, to be kind to myself. I am always learning. It’s never easy, but it’s incredibly worth it. ❤️