Really didn’t think I’d have a 2 year old that’d be half my size already but here we are. Although it’s really not shocking. 😅
Sunday’s have been so… weird. Everything is just so weird. Trying to figure out our new normals and new routines is… weird. I just don’t know what other word to use besides weird because it truly has been just… w e i r d 😂 but it’s giving us time to take a look at where we’re at in life and how we can improve.
Sunday’s are different now. And I’m determined to make it a good different while times are.. dare I say… WEIRD 😜
Leo is starting to pick up on what temples are and what they look like and it makes my heart totally swoon. Hearing him say “bye temple!!” while we drive away, and then him asking to see it 😭 there’s nothing greater than seeing your child develop a love for Jesus.
Happy Sunday 🌿